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STANDARD 1 - The child’s wishes and feelings and the views of those significant to them

Underpinning Legislation


Children Act 1989:


  • Children know that their views, wishes and feelings are taken into account in all aspects of their care; are helped to understand why it may not be possible to act upon their wishes in all cases; and know how to obtain support and make a complaint.
  • The views of others with an important relationship to the child are gathered and taken into account.


Children’s views, wishes and feelings are acted upon, unless this is contrary to their interests or adversely affects other members of the foster care household.


Children understand how their views have been taken into account and where significant wishes or concerns are not acted upon, they are helped to understand why.


Children communicate their views on all aspects of their care and support.


The views of the child, the child’s family, social worker and Independent Reviewing Officer are sought regularly on the child’s care (unless in individual cases this is not appropriate).


Children have access to independent advice and support from adults who they can contact directly and in private about problems or concerns, which is appropriate to their age and understanding. Children know their rights to advocacy, how to access an advocate and how to contact the The Children’s Commissioner for England.


Children can take up issues in the most appropriate way with support, without fear that this will result in any adverse consequences. Children receive prompt feedback on any concerns or complaints raised and are kept informed of progress.


The wishes, feelings and views of children and those significant to them are taken into account in monitoring foster carers and developing the fostering service.